the biophony project


Birds is inspired by bird sounds and their rhythmic sense. This concept reimagines the life of a bird from its morning rise to its last call. The bird seems to have a natural progression in which that happens, and allowing each section of this piece to flow into the next is the key to bringing this piece to life. All sections are meant to be repeated until the material is fully internationalized by listeners. This may mean repeating 4-5 times per section, the only section played 1 time is the last call. There must be at every performance a natural leader cueing each section and fermatas. The idea is to be musical interpreting those held notes to create a building effect leading up to the last call.



Meet the Composer



Explore More Biomes

Each Biome represents a small group collaboration between 2-4 composers commissioned to create flexible, open-score pieces for outdoor performance and infinite combinations of instruments.

This work co-commissioned by Metropolis Ensemble and Brooklyn Botanic Garden