the biophony project

Los Pájaros Hablan: The Birds Speak

Los Pájaros Hablan: The Birds Speak is a collaborative composition developed in individual and collaborative explorations, ultimately inspired by the natural settings that the performance will inhabit; the sounds of bird calls, water, wind; symbiosis in nature, organisms; and musical structures. In this composition, performers play and respond to the nature around them, and towards the end of the performance, audience members are invited by the performers to join them by whistling, humming, or singing. Los Pájaros Hablan: The Birds Speak is our attempt to celebrate the unceasing song of life.

We anticipate that, after a few readings, the players will be comfortable performing the piece from memory.



Meet the Composer Team



Explore More Biomes

Each Biome represents a small group collaboration between 2-4 composers commissioned to create flexible, open-score pieces for outdoor performance and infinite combinations of instruments.

“Biophony" is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.