the biophony project


Modules is an ensemble work for 4 or more non-specific instruments. Conceived by Mike Ladouceur and co-written with Elissar Hanna and Alessandro Apolloni, the work consists of different cells of music ranging from single measure fragments to 8 measure melodies representing the core musical content of the piece. These ideas, originally written in different meters, were then placed in a musical matrix and transformed to work in a single 4/4 meter.

You can listen to a brief demo of MODULES to get a better understanding of the piece with the video below:



Meet the Composer Team



Explore More Biomes

Each Biome represents a small group collaboration between 2-4 composers commissioned to create flexible, open-score pieces for outdoor performance and infinite combinations of instruments.

“Biophony" is made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.