King Midas and the Golden Touch


An evening of new music entirely conceived, composed, and produced by gifted teenage composers.

In collaboration with ComposerCraft*
with special guest narrator, the Tony Award-nominated actor Paul Hecht

Wednesday, May 30, 2018
1 Rivington Street / 2nd Floor (Buzzer #1) / New York, NY
7:30pm (doors) / 8:00pm (event)
Tickets: General $10 / Students FREE

Metropolis Ensemble’s education program Youth Works and The Kaufman Music Center’s ComposerCraft* join hands to give teenage composers the extraordinary opportunity to create an original concert experience, from developing program notes and marketing texts to writing the actual music itself, performed by Metropolis Ensemble’s world-class musicians.

In King Midas and the Golden Touch, composers Felix Bransbourg, Isaac Lageschulte, Ella Vermut, Owen Woolford, Danielle Wu, Philina Zhang, and Marina Zurita McKinnon edit Nathanial Hawthorne's version of the classic Greek myth, creating and composing an original new dramatic portrayal for trio bassoon (Brad Balliett), guitar (Jordan Dodson), cello (Sujin Lee) and narrator (Paul Hecht).

World Premiere & Metropolis Ensemble Commission

About ComposerCraft:

ComposerCraft, now in its seventh year, is a program for composers ages 11-15 at Kaufman Music Center, created and directed by composer Robinson McClellan. These composers' musical imagination ranges widely, from klezmer-dubstep remixes to electronic experiments to fugues, operas, and symphonies. ComposerCraft composers engage in a yearly collaboration with Metropolis Ensemble at venues like (Le) Poisson Rouge, Merkin Concert Hall, and Symphony Space.


About Metropolis Ensemble’s Youth Works:

In addition to our concert activities, Metropolis Ensemble is equally dedicated to making a difference in its local community via its education program for underserved children called Youth Works. The program reaches over 400 middle school students across Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, and the Bronx through innovative partnerships with organizations such as the Young Composers & Improviser’s Workshop, TEAK, and ComposerCraft to teach music composition and perform student works.